Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Red Planet: 2D/3D Side Scroller Week 3:

     This massive level was initially intended to be my level two but it wound up being so big that now it will probably end up as the final level to beat the game.  The level will force the player to use all the skills and problem solving abilities they learned in the beginning levels in order to beat this one.  This final level contains steep climbs and drops, stairs, booby traps, paths to no where and will require a lot of patience.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Tidy Tile Mapper Side Scroller: Week 2

     I want to add music to my levels to really give the game authenticity but thats not extremely important. This week, I started work on my second level.  This level is quite massive.  It is five times bigger than the last level and will require the player to have patience and skill.  I would like to add a skybox to the scene to give the game a more 3D effect even though its technically a 2D side scroller.  I also added some more block textures to bring more visuals to the game as well.

     This level will be played with the toon characters that we received this week in class.  They are a little more functional than the ball and have a jump feature that allows the player to reach tighter areas of each level.  Additionally, the pack included an astronaut and an alien which will complete the Mars/Space theme of my game.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tidy Tile Mapper Game Concept: Week 1

     I want to use the Tidy Tile Mapper feature on Unity to make a Mario style side scroller.  I can use the varying block textures to build infinitely different landscapes and levels.  The varying block textures can also build upon different levels.  I'm going to make a space themed game and use the blocks to represent the surface of the planet Mars.  My  inspiration comes from games like Angry Birds Space and Star Wars Battlefront.  The player will be a ball that bounces through difficult maze like obstacles on its way to the end of each level.  The bounciness of the ball will mimic the lack of gravity in space and on Mars.  Even the ball will have space like features to it including a trail and a halo.  I also took inspiration from these pictures and illustrations of Mars.

     This is my first level that I had to break down a little in order to allow the ball to bounce more naturally. Notice the background image which i mirrored  to create a massive play area.  The ball is easily found by its halo and trail.  If the player bounces out of the area they will hit the trigger at the bottom to stop them from falling forever and restart the level.